
Aralık, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Logic and Imagination

                                  Logic and Imagination      "Logic will get you from A to B, imagination will take you everywhere." Albert Einstein       Logic is concrete. A human can use their logic when their mind is developed. Imagination is abstract. It can be used anytime. When we were babies, we only had imagination. That's the reason babies are so pure. After our mind developes we start to use logic. Logic shuts our feelings down. Then people start to fight. So only using logic is not good for peace.       In the quote above, Einstein tries to say that logic is limited in the phrase "A to B". For example inventors had to use their imagination to invent something because logic is limited. If you think about it, inventing is imagining something and then bringing it to life.       To sum it up, logic will take you one step ahead, im...